“Yang (Tidak Pernah) Hilang” Film, Memorialization of 1998 Enforced Disappearance of Activists

The premier of “yang (tidak pernah) hilang” -The (never) gone movie, made by IKOHI East Java, was to memorialize the 1998 enforced disappearance of activists. The movie talked about Herman Hendrawan and Bima Petrus Anugrah who became the targets of the Mawar Team abduction at the end of the New Order regime in 1988.

A man walks down a small alley to a house on the corner of Kedung Tarukan Street, Surabaya, East Java. As his hand touches the wall of the building, the time setting changed into the past; a group of students are seen having tough discussion about their action plan after a forced dispersal by the authorities.

No, it’s not old footage. It’s just a reenactment of the student activists in the documentary “yang (tidak pernah) hilang”. Two of them are Herman Hendrawan and Bima Petrus Anugrah; two students from Airlangga University, Surabaya, who were kidnapped by the New Order regime in 1998 and have not returned home to this day. 

The movie “yang (tidak pernah) hilang” is produced by Dandik Katjasungkana, coordinator of the East Java Association of Families of the Disappeared – Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang (IKOHI). Various activities of the activists – especially Herman and Bimo (Bimpet) – and the seconds of their disappearance until now are the main reason for making the movie “yang (tidak pernah) hilang”. The screening at the Epicentrum 2 theater in Jakarta on Saturday (22/06/24) was attended by many people. Among them were members of IKOHI, KontraS, survivors and families of victims in human rights violations, etc. Bimo’s father, Dionysius Utomo Raharjo, was also present to watch the movie that tells the story of his son.

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The intensity of activism and underground movements increased in the 1990s, when Soeharto was still a president of Indonesia. The sparks of resistance were already burning despite the very repressive and authoritarian regime. Herman Hendrawan and Petrus Bima Anugrah were two of the many students and activists who were part of the spark of resistance – only to be kidnapped towards the end of the New Order era and not return until now.

Herman and Bomo (Bimpet) are active in organizing students to advocate for labor issues. they also often discuss demands for democracy and justice for oppressed people. Furthermore, Hermoan and Bimo were also involved in the formation of the Indonesian Student Solidarity for Democracy – Solidaritas Mahasiswa Indonesia untuk Democracy (SMID), Indonesian Labor Struggle Center – Pusat Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia (PPBI) and the Independent Election Monitoring Commission – Komisi Independen Pemantau Pemilu (KIPP).

Herman and Bimo’s activities were mostly carried out in a house on Jalan Kedung Tarukan. The local residents considered that the students were kind and harmonious with them. So, they were surprised and defended when the police suddenly came to raid the students. Various accusations were labelled to the students: ‘rebels’, ‘involved in the PRD (Democratic People’s Party – Partai Rakyat Demokratis, which was banned by the New Order regime)’ and ‘PKI – Indonesian Communist Party’.

Herman and Bimo: Young Activists, Kidnapped, then Disappeared

Dandik and the film crew interviewed 35 interviewees for “yang (tidak pernah) hilang” movie. Most of them were Herman and Bimo’s friends and fellow student activists. In addition, this movie also interviewed parents and family members of the two young activists. Kedung Tarukan residents also gave testimonies regarding their activities with student groups in Surabaya, before moving to Jakarta.

Herman Hendrawan was a young man born in Pangkal Pinang 29th May, 1971. Since high school, he has been active in organizations by joining the student council and scientific groups. His activities as a teenager urged Herman to took major in politics at Airlangga University’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. His friends from school said that Herman was a friendly and sociable activist. He also cared deeply about his friends. Herman was pioneered labor organization around the Surabaya industrial area and became chairman of PPBI Surabaya in Januari 1996.

His activities were intertwined with the Democratic People’s Party (PRD). On 27th July, 1996, there was an attack by military forces on the PDI office led by Megawati Soekarnoputri. The PRD and various organization under it were accused of rioting and banned. This made Herman and friends changed their movement. On the other hand, he also joined the National Committee for Democratic Struggle – Komite Nasional Perjuangan Demokrasi (KNPN) and became Chairman of the Cooperation Department.

However, Herman’s movement was stalled by the New Order. Herman was last seen at the KNPD press conference at the YLBHI office by the Mawar Team, formed by Kopassus – Komando Pasukan Khusus (Indonesian Army Special Forces Group), which was under the command of Prabowo Subianto. Herman’s family only realized that their son has been kidnapped when one of Herman’s friends called their house and asked about his whereabouts.

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“I only found out Herman was missing when someone called. He asked “Mom, I am Herman’s friend. Is it true that Herman went back to Pangkal Pinang?”; “No” I said”, his mother answered and it showed in the movie.

Apart from Herman, a number of other activists were also kidnapped and arrested before being released. There were Raharjo Waluyo Jati, Nezar Patria, and others. They were detained and tortures in the same location as the Mawar Team abduction victims. This information was known when Jati testified that he heard Herman singing the song “Widuri” in one of the cells. Unfortunately, when Jati, Nezar, and several other activists were released, Herman was not with them. He is missing until now.

Meanwhile, Bima Petrus Anugrah (Bimo/ Bimpet) was bron in Malang, 24th September, 1973. Bimo is the second child of four from Dionysius Utomo Raharjo and Genoniva Misiati. In the struggle to find certainty about their son’s fate, Misiati passed away in 2018. Until now, his father, Utomo, is still actively demanding government responsibility and revealing Bimo’s whereabouts.

Bimo was studying Communication Science at University Airlangga. He is known as a smart and critical student. As a student, he joined the Mentari Learning Group (KBM), which later changed into Airlangga University Student Solidarity Committee (KSM-UNAIR). This organization merged with the others campus in Surabaya and become the Indonesian Student Union for Democracy – Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia untuk Demokrasi (SMID) Surabaya. Bimo also organized the hunger strike in the front of the Surabaya DPRD I building.

Bimo, who loved music, also voiced social protest through music groups.  Together with David Kris Baberock, Wisnu Wardhana and Christanto Wahyu, he formed the band called LONTAR in 1995. The lyrics of their songs loudly criticized Soeharto’s authoritarian rule throughout the New Order.

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Bimo’s struggle to defend the underprivilege people led him to be arrested several times. he was arrested in Surabaya because he was involved in a labor action in Tandes Surabaya. Bimo moved to Jakarta after being appointed as Coordinator of the Education and Propaganda Department at the SMID Central Committee.

He said goodbye to his parents, Misiati and Utomo before moved to Jakarta. While Utomo gave his blessing, Misiati forbid Bimo to leave because capital city was dangerous.

“I asked, ‘are you sure to move? Do you know the risk? Do you know who you are fighting against? It’s like you are ready to be killed” Misiati kept repeating her questions.

The son replied that he knew the consequences of this decision to go to Jakarta. He said to his mother, ‘if no one has the courage who will? There must be!”

Misiati also remembers Bimo’s other words, “mom, if there is no political change, maybe the next generation can no longer go to school.”

Meanwhile Utomo said “it’s okay to go”. He repeated his words to Bimo during the movie screening at the KontraS Office, Central Jakarta, Friday (21/06/24).

“Let’s imagine: his mother forbids and the father gives his blessing. So, I appreciate Bimo’s sacrifice. It’s unfortune that Bimo is slaughtered”

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Utomo said that he heard about various abuses Bimo experienced during his detention from former Kopassus Danjen Agum Gumelar. Also, he heard that the former Kopassus members knew where the kidnapped activists were killed. This story, Utomo continued, also appears in the fiction novel “Laut Bercerita” by Leila S Chudori. The novel narrated how the activists were killed by drowning at sea.

‘Never mind,’ said Utomo. “it’s gone, maybe this is my way to let Bimo go. What else can I do? Where should I look for him?” he added.

The memoir of Bimo was not only belong to his family but also his friends who known him as brave young activist and kind. Bimo and friends involved in action to support Mega-Bintang to against Soeharto authoritarian in 1997. Bimo, Henry Suwalang and Ilhamsyah arrested while brough Mega-Bintang-rakyat brochure in Jakarta’s Street. Ihamsyah said that apparatus brought them to bus stop and abused them, then took them to Polda Metro Jaya – Metro Jaya Police Office.

Ilhamsyah was panicking but Bimo tried to control the situation and said “if they ask about our organization, say to them to ask me”. While repeated the story, Ilamsyah couldn’t hold his tears. “He said he will give his bag to someone who is wearing black t-shirt with Soekarno’s face on it in Blok M” Ilhamsyah added.

Bimo, Ilhamsyah and Henry released by Munir Said Thalib who was lawyer from LBH Jakarta. Yet, Bimo gone in 1998 when students’ movement was more open and united to fight for reformation. In 1998, Mawar team was formed to abducted activists who accused against the current regime. Bimo was one of them. He and Herman is gone until today based on Jati and Reza testimony.

If He Goes Home

If he can meet his son again, how is he now from his father perspective?

“I never imagine his face in his 51 years old” his father said

Since his son gone in 24 years old, Utomo never imagine to see his son again. As a father he already gave blessing to go to Jakarta. “If for you this is the best way to help people, then go to Jakarta”. Yet, Bimo understand the consequence of his departure; 4B – buru, bui, buang, bunuh – chase, jail, throw away, kill.

As the title of the movie suggests, Utomo continues, there are things that will never disappear even if his son is kidnapped “from memories, from records, they will never disappear until whenever they are found” he said, ‘from their struggle, it will never disappear.”

Bimo’s mother, Genoneva Mistiati, dead in 2018 but the hope to get certainty over her son’s fate is timeless.

“Mom always prays for Bimo,” Misiati said, and quoted on ‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’ tabloid published by IKOHI. “What we need is only one thing, certainty. If it’s still there now, where is it?”

Film as Memorialization

‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’ movie launched when the political and human rights situation in Indonesia was degrading. This film is a memorialization that reminds the public, especially the young generation, that the victims of the 1998 abduction of activists has not yet been found and received justice.

The title ‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’ has its own meaning. Although Herman Hendrawan and Bima Petrus Anugrah were declared missing, their struggle to uphold democracy in Indonesia did not disappear. This movie made with the aim of keeping alive the struggle of activists with the Reformation Agenda.

The producer of ‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’, Dandik Katjasungkana explained that this film was initiated in 2019 by Herman and Bimo’s friends. this film was done with collaboration with Hari Nugroho and Anton Subandrio. Hari Nugroho died of heart attack in 2020 and was replaced by Anton Subandrio. It took a long time to produce this movie because of funding constraints. In the end, the film was done by joint work, through the sale of t-shirts to raise funds, as well as donations from fellow UNAIR alumni and activists in 1990s who knew Herman and Bimo.

The film ‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’ is also intended as a memorialization by IKOHI. The memorialization is a form of collective and symbolic recovery for cases of human rights violations in 1997 – 1998. Atnike Nova Sigiro, Chairman of Komnas HAM, said that memorialization aims to provide space for victims to explain the past. As well as inviting the public to remember past experiences as an effort to prevent recurrence.

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“This cannot be done at all by the state and maybe this is the time for the civil society movement to carry out certain initiatives, in encouraging the completion of cases of gross human rights violations.’ Said Lilik HS from IKOHI brotherhood in a press conference at the KontraS Office, Friday (21/06/24).

He continued, realizing an ad hoc human rights court by civil society is difficult, but there are various other ways to take to bring the truth – seeking initiatives by civil society.

“of course, it can be through movie or literature, or songs, and so on. We can continuously spread it to publics and our fellow colleagues, friends, and families” Lilik said. “so that the public know what the state is doing and do not forget about our history”

As a producer, Dandik actually hopes that the government and the parties involved with take responsibility and re-investigate the disappearances. The movie ‘yang (tidak pernah) hilang’’ can enrich information to complement the data and testimonies needed in the investigation, this may strengthen the judicial follow-up of the case.

However, Dandik understand that his hope is difficult to realize. So, he focused to inspire young people “This movie is specifically aimed at addressing young people to learn about humanitarian events in the past,’ said Dandik.

Translator: Theresia Pratiwi Elingsetyo Sanubari

Foto: IG pbhi_nasional

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