The Karate Kid (2010): Understanding Multiculturalism & African-American and Chinese Cultural Diversity Through Film

The Karate Kid, which was remade in 2010, has very striking differences when compared with the film’s 1984 original version. The film is not only a story of a boy's struggle to learn martial arts, but also a fascinating exploration of the convergence of cultural values.

The world of cinema often serves as a medium to explore cross-cultural issues through visual symbols and storytelling. The portrayal of two different cultures in a film can illustrate conflict, the process of adaptation, and the creation of harmony within cultural diversity.

The Karate Kid” (2010), directed by Harald Zwart, is a famous film known for its talented cast and iconic scenes throughout its narrative. The film has won numerous prestigious awards and received nominations in several distinguished categories. Despite being a story about a boy’s struggle to learn martial arts, the film also explores the convergence of cultural values. The film depicts the complex interaction between African-American and Chinese cultures through the journey of its protagonist, Dre Parker. So what are the multicultural issues featured in the movie?

1. Differences in Cultural Values Between China and America

The film shows the difference between Dre’s African-American culture of individualism and China’s culture of collectivism. As an African-American child, Dre learned to prioritize personal achievement and individual freedom. This is in contrast with Chinese society that emphasizes social harmony, teamwork, and respect for the rule of society. These cultural differences become clear when Dre struggles to understand the behaviour of his classmates and fit in with the social customs in his new environment.

2. Adaptation and Cultural Shock

Dre’s adaptation process in China vividly illustrates the common experience of culture shock faced by immigrants. He struggles with a new language, customs, and social norms. At first, he feels isolated and uncomfortable, especially with gestures like bowing and the formal ways of showing respect in his school. These differences highlight the cultural gap he faces. However, over time, Dre begins to adapt, learning to understand and appreciate these traditions into his daily life. His journey shows both the challenges and personal growth of adapting to a new culture.

3. The Representation of Martial Arts as a Symbol of Chinese Culture

In the film, martial arts are shown not just as a sport but as a symbol of China’s rich culture. As Dre learns Kung Fu, he discovers more than the physical technique of fighting. He learns important values like discipline, patience, and harmony, which are important in martial arts. Kung Fu becomes Dre’s way to explore and appreciate Chinese culture. Moreover, Dre also gains a deeper sense of cultural awareness and the values behind this ancient art.

4. Teacher-Student Relationship from a Multicultural Perspective

The relationship between Dre and Mr. Han is a key in the film, showing the mix of traditional and modern teaching methods. Mr. Han uses a traditional approach to teaching, focusing on consistency, repetition, and moral lessons based on Chinese culture. This contrasts with Dre’s desire for quick and immediate results, shaped by his modern and goals-focused mindset. As the story progresses, Dre learns the value of patience, respect, and personal growth through Mr. Han’s methods. The bond that develops between them shows how traditional and modern approaches can complement each other, creating a richer learning experience.

5. Perspectives on Identity and Intercultural Acceptance

Over time, Dre’s journey goes beyond learning kung fu to understanding Chinese culture more deeply. This experience helps shape cross-cultural identity, allowing him to appreciate and embrace the cultural differences he faces. As Dre learns about Chinese traditions, he becomes more accepting, bridging the gap between his culture and his new surroundings. Dre’s growth reflects how learning and appreciating other cultures can improve someone’s identity and create stronger relationships across cultures.

6. Stereotypes in Intercultural Interactions

The film highlights common stereotypes that appear in cross-cultural encounters. As an African-American, Dre is first seen as arrogant by some of his classmates. Meanwhile, from Dre’s perspective, Chinese culture is too strict or old-fashioned. However, as the story progresses, both Dre and his classmates begin to understand each other better. Dre learns more about Chinese culture and values, letting go of his initial misconceptions. At the same time, his classmates start to see beyond the typical African-American traits they thought he had. This change shows how communication between cultures can break down stereotypes and encourage respect and understanding.

7. The Importance of Teachers as Intercultural Mediators

Mr. Han plays an important role as a cultural bridge between African-American and Chinese values in the film. He not only teaches Dre kung fu, but also key principles like respect, discipline, and balance in life that are important in both cultures. Through the journey of Dre and Mr. Han, a profound message about the importance of understanding different cultures. The film is not just Dre’s personal story but also a message about how African-American and Chinese values can work together and help each other grow. The film teaches important lessons about tolerance, teamwork, and respecting differences while also celebrating the beauty of cultural diversity. 

Editor: Anita Dhewy

(Picture: TV Insider)

Ananda Ravi and Rizka Yulianti

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