Sexual Violence in Depok: Alleged Perpetrator is a Legislative Member, Activists Urge to Remove His Position

The case of sexual violence allegedly committed by a member of House of Representative (DPRD) in Depok City is still under investigation. The victim is now under the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) protection and has stopped going to school. Meanwhile, women activist urged the chairman of the Depok DPRD and chairman of PDIP to remove the alleged perpetrator.

A message came through the social media account of Sahat Farida, the founder of Paralegal Depok, a community that has been providing assistance to women and children victims of violence, on Friday (27/09/24) morning.

When Sahat Farida contacted the sender of the message by phone, she only received a brief reply before the line was finally cut off.

“Mom, I’m scared”

Sahat Farida told that the message was sent by Asa (not her real name), a 15-year-old victim of sexual allegedly committed by RK, a member of the Depok City Regional Representative Council (DPRD).

After the victim spoke on the phone and stated that she was afraid, LBH Apik Jakarta and the Depok Paralegal Team who advocates the case were no longer able to contact the victim.

On September 22, 2024, Asa reported her sexual violence experience to the Depok City Police. The process of reporting was assisted by the Legal Aid and People’s Advocacy Agency of PDI Perjuangan Depok City. However, before going to the litigation process (legal channels). This case report had first accepted by the Depok Paralegal desk and LBH Apik Jakarta.

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After the report accepted by the police, it continued to examination. According to police chief commissioner of Depok Metro, Arya Perdana, the victim’ parents and the alleged perpetrator, RK, knew each other. Initially, the victim’s parents introduced Asa to RK to find school information but did not expect that Asa would become a victim.

During the first examination after the post-mortem examination and psychological examination at the Police Hospital, Sahat, as the victim’s companion, was still able to accompany the victim and the complainant (the victim’s mother). However, during the additional examination, the investigators did not inform the victim’s advocate, and Sahat Farida and the Depok Paralegal Team were not allowed to accompany the victim.

And additional examination was conducted on Thursday, September 26, 2024. The police immediately came to pick up the victim to conduct an examination at Depok Police station. The Depok was closed and conducted in the Kanit room.

On the day of the additional examination when the victim was not allowed to be accompanied, Paralegal Depok later received information that the complainant met with RK, at the Depok Police Office. After that, the next day on Friday, September 27, 2024, the victim ‘disappeared’.

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On October 1, 2024, the victim finally ‘returned’ to Depok. The victims told her companion that she wanted the legal process to continue. Previously during an additional examination (26/9/24) the victim was represented by her biological mother and older siblings, facilitated by the investigator, who met with the complainant. At that meeting an ‘amicable’ agreement was reached for this case.

The investigator told the victim to leave Depok and start a new life in another city. the investigator even emphasized that no one would help the victim if she stayed in Depok. However, the victim did not understand why she had to leave the city of her birth, the city she went to school.

The victim also did not understand, she who originally from Depok which labelled as a child-friendly city, couldn’t find anybody to defend her. It stated by the investigator.

Civil society network urges Depok DPRD chairman and PDIP chairman to act decisively

In this situation, Sahat Farida then made a release and sent it to a number of parties.

The response came from women activists who then agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the case. The results of the meeting agreed that a number of activists and non-govermental organizations who are members of the Civil Society Network monitor the case by encouraging non-litigation efforts or handling in ways outside the court.

The civil society network then sent an urgent letter to the chairman on the Depok City DPRD and the Chairman of PDIP Perjuangan. The secretary General of the Indonesia Women’s Coalition (KPI), who is a member of the network, Mike Verawati, said that the urge was intended for the two parties to take a firm stance against RK.   

“We sent a letter to the PDIP, especially the General Chairperson, Mrs Megawati, to follow up on this case. This DPRD member must be processed, if necessary, removed from his position, because from the victim’s statement, the alleged perpetrator has committed sexual violence,” mike Verawati told Thursday (11/21/24).

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Similar urgency was also conveyed to the chairman of the Depok City DPRD, Ade Supriyatna.

“We also ask that this alleged perpetrator be processed and removed from his position” added Mike Verawati.

This letter was sent to the Depok City DPRD office and to the DPP PDIP Perjuangan office at the end of October 2024. The Civil Society Network (JMS) receive proof of receipt from both agencies.

In this letter, the JMS explained their findings of the case allegedly committed by RK. The letter also contains references as a consideration for handling the case, such as the Law on Sexual Violence (UU TPKS) and the Law on Child Protection (UU PA).

In addition, the letter was accompanied by an attachment explaining the chronology of the case in 8 points explanation, starting from the emergence of the case to the handling and advocacy process that has been carried out. The process in reporting to the police and psychological aspects.

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The letter was contained an appeal to Megawati as Chairman of the PDIP to give serious attention to this case. If one of the party cadres acts badly and PDIP as a political party allows it. it would represent PDIP in a bad way. The JMS also demands that political parties should have the principle of professionalism. Political parties should process without further considerations to make the case is handle, as well as the chronology start from the report has entered the police.

“There are some speculations that the case is being considered to bring it down. It only happens if there is no evidence, but this case is data-based.  The case was already reporting and it had report number,” explained Mike.

“The most important point is PDIP fired the perpetrator as we requested or they can impose strict sanctions by dismissing the perpetrator,” she added.

Alleged Perpetrator Investigated, Victim Quits School

On Wednesday (13/11/24) Depok City Police investigators summoned the alleged perpetrator to undergo examination as a witness. In addition, the case examination process has reached the investigation stage.

So far, Sahat admitted that her party has not received further information regarding the results of the examination of the alleged perpetrator.

“The police informed us that they will name a suspect in early November 2024 but until today we don’t get any updated news” Sahat told on Tuesday (11/19/24).

Meanwhile, there was a change in the Head of Women and Children Services (PPA) of Depok City Police on Thursday (14/11/24). Sahat revealed that she received information about the change of position from the previous PPA unit.

“The investigators are also still working so that this examination process can fulfill all the required elements,’ she said.

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On the other side, the victim is currently under protection of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). Therefore, all activities related to the ongoing legal examination are coordinated with LPSK.

On Tuesday (19/11/24) the victim underwent a special psychological examination at the Police Hospital. The examination was required after the previous examination process revealed the need for a special psychological examination.

“So, there has been a visum et repertum and also psychiatric visum. There is requirement to do special psychological examination where I don’t understand what is the components of it,” said Sahat Farida

The victim is currently out of school. At the beginning of this case, after Paralegal Depok received a complaint, Sahat assisted in the process of finding new school for the victim. It needed for the safety and security of the victim. In new school, the victim attended classes briefly.

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However, when the victim ‘disappeared’ she could not go to school, so she was absent for some time. this condition forced the victim’s companion to withdraw the enrollment file at the new school. The victim is currently unable to return to school. then contacted the Public Relation Section of the Depok City Police, AKB Hendra to ask about the progress of this case via text message. Hendra replying by saying ‘I’ll ask the investigator who handled it first”

But when confirmed again, Hendra did not respond until this news was published. Until now, activists are still waiting for the police to make RK a suspect, in November 2024.

Translator: Theresia Pratiwi Elingsetyo Sanubari

Anita Dhewy

Redaktur Khusus dan lulusan Pascasarjana Kajian Gender Universitas Indonesia (UI). Sebelumnya pernah menjadi pemimpin redaksi Jurnal Perempuan, menjadi jurnalis radio di Kantor Berita Radio (KBR) dan Pas FM, dan menjadi peneliti lepas untuk isu-isu perempuan
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